Thursday, June 25, 2015

Talking About Myself

PR mode for the new book has begun. It's been a while since I've done this kind of thing for a release, and while it's fun, it can also be a bit draining. I have a lot of sympathy for actors who have to go on publicity junkets for a new movie. You know that only the truly obsessed are going to see every single interview, so it's new and different for the audience each time, but you start to feel weird saying the same things over and over again in interviews. But you don't want to vary too much because you don't want to contradict yourself. It also feels weird for me to spend so much time talking about myself. I managed two e-mail interviews yesterday before I got sick of myself.

So, after spending yesterday grocery shopping, talking to the garage door people, and doing interviews, I let myself have a TV night and caught up on the new shows that are on SyFy on Fridays (Sci Fi Fridays are back!!!!). I've put the full review of two shows that fit into the Not!Firefly category on the Stealth Geek blog.

Today I have lots more interviews and guest posts to write. Although this is a bit taxing, I'm not complaining because it's good to spread the word, and I'm excited that so many bloggers have contacted me wanting me to do interviews. I love this book, and I want everyone to know about it. In case you're in the mood to do a little obsessive stalking, I'll post when one of these interviews appears. Maybe I should start putting in little Easter eggs in each interview and give a prize to someone who can guess what the secret word is or spot the point of difference.

Meanwhile, I'm making a batch of strawberry jam. They had strawberries on sale yesterday, and I'm down to my last jar from my previous batch, so it was good timing. The jam has been through its initial cooking and is now cooling. Then it will be cooked again for final thickening before canning. I'm such a pioneer woman. Meanwhile, I've bought another rosemary plant. Supposedly, this is something easy to grow, but I've killed every one I've tried. The last one survived about two weeks. Maybe it drowned from all the rain. But I love to cook with rosemary, and having fresh rosemary handy is nice. It will probably die while I'm out of town later this summer, but in the meantime, I need to make everything that involves rosemary I can think of. I made this chicken breast in an herbal brine a couple of weeks ago that was wonderful, and I may have to do that again.

Now, off to pretend to be famous enough that people might find me mildly interesting!

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