Monday, September 19, 2016

Sooo Many Sprinkles

I had one of those "I need a weekend to recover from my weekend" weekends, but I won't get my weekend until next week because it's a very busy week, with FenCon this weekend.

Saturday was a day of service at my church, with a lot of different projects going on, and I'd signed up to help bake cookies for the Soupmobile homeless feeding program. I got to the church kitchen and learned that it was more a case of supervising a horde of junior high girls from some scouting program. That ended up being fun, but rather exhausting. They had troop leaders helping, and we had the person who runs the kitchen, but most of these girls had zero clue what they were doing, so a lot of handholding was required, and even then they kind of went nuts, doing stuff like mixing the colored sugar and sprinkles into the batter, which turned the batter weird colors and affected baking time. I came home utterly exhausted, though I did get a few character ideas for YA books.

But then I had to work on a script for this year's FenCon briefing video and do an e-mail interview and do a bunch of other stuff. And then Sunday was spent at a FenCon prep meeting and then shooting the video. I got home just before 10 p.m.

This week, I get to edit the video, work on my presentation that I'll be doing at the convention, and prepare for my reading. Whew!

Then next Monday, after my morning yoga class I will give myself a day off.

In other news, if you're an Audible member and haven't tried my Fairy Tale series yet, the first book is part of their Win-Win sale, in which select titles are on sale for $4.95 until Sept. 26. If you're a member, you probably already got the notice about the sale, and this book is part of it!

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