Monday, October 26, 2015

Revisiting Old Role Models

We had a delightfully rainy (maybe a little too rainy in some areas) weekend, and now it's my favorite kind of fall day, crisp and cool. It should be a good patio writing day with a jacket and some hot tea.

First, though, I'll be sending off a book proposal to my agent. Then I'm going to keep writing on the book because I may as well keep going while I'm on a roll.

Over the weekend, I did a lot of reading, watched a few history documentaries, tried to catch up on all the old Doctor Who ("classic" era) episodes piling up on my DVR. The local PBS station is showing third Doctor episodes late at night on Saturdays, and BBC America is showing fourth Doctor episodes on Sunday mornings. Mostly, that means getting lots and lots of Sarah Jane, which is okay by me. The more I see of her, the more I like her. You could move her character, as she was then, into the current series, and she'd fit right in (though would likely spend less time unconscious -- it seems that the standard-issue cliffhanger for the end of each episode within a serial was her being knocked out). I loved her appearance in the more recent incarnation as the older and wiser, been there, done that, former sidekick, but her old self would also have been right at home.

I'm still not sure when I watched this show when I was younger, just that I must have because I knew it was something I liked when I encountered it again in college, and I recognized all the familiar images. I'm also pretty sure I imprinted on Sarah Jane somewhere along the way because even her look was my unattainable ideal when I was a kid (I wanted the sleek, swingy, bouncy hair like that, and that's not going to happen with my hair). And then there was going to journalism school.

Actually, I think it's time for gaucho pants and knee-high boots, worn with a turtleneck sweater (and optional vest) to make a comeback. Not all 70s fashion was "disco." We can skip the light blue eyeshadow, though.

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