Sunday, May 28, 2006


My already busy weekend got even busier today when I learned that we had a choir retreat this afternoon. Ack! It was fun and we had great food, but now I feel like I'm even further behind on everything. I'm just dashing off a quick note before I have to go to the musical tonight.

I've got a happy birthday shout out to my dad (who sometimes serves as my hometown publicist -- and whose other claim to fame is having been the high school science teacher to rising country music star Miranda Lambert). His birthday always falls around Memorial Day, so I seldom have an excuse for not coming to visit on or around the birthday. This year, my TV appearance Tuesday also factors in.

I've got another book report to post tomorrow, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, I forgot to mention my latest blog interview. This one is at Kelly Parra's blog.

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