Thursday, October 03, 2013

PR Flashbacks and Convention Prep

The FenCon fun is about to begin in earnest. Once I wrap up a few things, I'll be heading over to help set up. Then tomorrow the convention begins. I've had more success in my PR efforts this year, and it's reminding me of my love/hate relationship with that field. There is a kind of high you get when you're promoting something you really believe in and you manage to find just the right person to pitch it to. It's also fun playing knowledge resource, the one who can find the right information to help a reporter. That's sometimes enough to make up for all those pitches that are totally ignored. I spent a lot of yesterday helping a photo assignments editor pick the right event during the convention to send a photographer to. I don't think I want to go back to work at a PR job, though. Doing this once a year is enough.

I've decided to read excerpts from the book currently in search of a good home for my reading. I've edited together snippets from the introductory scenes of the major characters. I may need to do a little more internal trimming, as my last read-through came to about 23 minutes, and I have about a 25-minute slot (30 minutes, with time to clear the room and let the next person in). I need a little more breathing room than that. There may also be cookies, if that helps entice people.

I got a week off from the kids because instead of having choir, they had a special kid-oriented worship service. I went because they asked choir directors to be there in case there were kids whose parents were at other activities, and it was really cute. They let the kids take the lead on a lot of things, and you haven't seen adorable until you've seen a four-year-old playing usher and passing the offering plate, very very earnestly.

Now I need to read through my reading excerpt one more time, check the video using my TV as a monitor, then head over to the convention hotel. Fortunately, it's not that far away.

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