Friday, May 23, 2014

A Ballet Ache

I took the beginning ballet class last night, and I'm even more sore than I usually am after a class. I think it's because the beginning class moves very slowly, and that really works the muscles. Since I'm not learning the moves, I focus on being very precise, and that also works the muscles. I think just about everything below the waist is mad at me right now. However, I did double pirouettes for the first time. I can only do doubles on one side, and the second one isn't entirely pretty, but still, that was an achievement.

Now I have a few weeks off before the summer session starts. I'll be in a class with a lot of ex-dancers (people who danced a long time at a fairly high level and who are coming back as adults) with a different teacher, so I'm a little nervous. I'll likely be the oldest person in the class -- even older than the teacher. So I need to exercise between now and then to stay in some kind of shape.

I started today with a walk to the library. Stretching may be required later in the day.

I hope today's batch of library books will have better success for me than the last batch. One thing I've learned is that it's okay to put a book down if it's not working for me instead of forcing myself to slog through it.

And I hope to get more work done today. Yesterday did not go as planned because there were distractions, but when I gave up and just did some business stuff and some housework and listened to music, ideas started coming to me, so I think I can get back to it today. After a brief shopping trip. There's a sale at Half-Price Books, and there are some out-of-print things I've been looking for. There's a shoe store next to the bookstore, and I need to replace a critical pair of shoes that died last summer.

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