Friday, February 14, 2014

Busy Friday

The day's gotten away from me! I had a phone interview with a reporter that went on much longer than I expected (it was a good talk), and before that I was getting ready for the interview and doing some housework. Now it's late afternoon!

I've decided that I'm going to have to work Saturday to make up for my lackluster performance this week. I've been so scattered, and I think it does have to do with rebooting the book and having to think back through it, on top of having a few other things I've had to take care of, which has spread my focus out a bit too far. Next week, I'll force myself to do better and not fall back into bad habits.

I did make it to a ballet class last night. It was a beginning class, so I could ease my way back in, and I really love going to the beginning class because it makes me feel so very accomplished. I was the one being called on to demonstrate for the others. It will be a different story in my usual class on Tuesday.

This is the day when I'm supposed to say something about romance and love or else talk about Valentine's Day being a fake holiday. But I think for me it's become kind of a nonentity. If people want to celebrate, they can. It doesn't hurt me. I'm very happily single, so it's not like I even need a singles awareness day. I'm just mad that it's on a Friday because that means half-price chocolate day is on a weekend, and I don't get an advantage from being free to hit Target on a weekday morning.

And now I have more stuff to do today so I can spend Saturday writing.

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