Monday, October 03, 2011

Crunch Day

Today is a big push/crunch day, in which I will read an entire book out loud to myself in almost one sitting so I can proofread before sending it to my agent. And then I will promptly collapse. I was going to take some time off instead of switching gears while I wait on the next project, but I have a book nagging me for attention, so I may do some thinking and planning about it while I take care of tasks like cleaning my house. I want to do a good fall cleaning before I dive heavily into another project or before I take that fall "staycation" that I am determined to take this year. I figure that this has already been a very productive year, so I can afford a nice mental break (so as to avoid a nice psychotic break).

I stepped away from the work this weekend to spend some time with friends. There was the Lebanese food festival at a nearby church and then Doctor Who viewing, and then the British import shop nearby had a Doctor Who day on Sunday, and a number of our friends were there, including Joe Dalek. Some of the costumes were amazing. And it's always fun to catch up with one of my favorite men in my life (the cardboard Doctor is not life size, and yet he's still significantly taller than I am).

I have more photos from the event, including a Dalek in a fez, but I'd have to get them off my camera, and that won't happen today. This is courtesy of my friend, who took it when my camera battery died.

However, although I spent much of the weekend with the Doctor, I have to say that the Haven finale won for sheer mind-blowingness, possibly because it was a real cliffhanger while Doctor Who sort of wrapped up the story. There were new questions raised, but it wasn't as though any of the major characters were in immediate jeopardy, while the Haven finale ended with all the major characters in jeopardy, along with a last-second "huh?" revelation. Plus, they get bonus points for a TV couple who act like real people, where they get together because they like each other, not because they can't stand each other and bicker all the time, and where making the transition from friends to maybe something more comes with some awkwardness but without major drama (the drama comes from outside because it can be really hard to have a nice first date when people think you need to die in order to save the town from what they see as evil).

I can't really get into Doctor Who details because I don't think my parents have seen it yet. Spoilers!

Now, off to work I go!

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