Thursday, August 02, 2012

Teaser Time

It appears that not only do I run out of words at a certain point, but if I go over my limit, I can't dredge up any the next day because I barely got anything done yesterday. I did ultimately force myself to at least review the previous day's work and then finish the scene I was in the middle of, which added about a thousand words. Though I'm not sure I can blame the previous day's success for the slump. It was kind of a "Squirrel!" day, with the pre-orders going live and all the questions that came up from that and then the excitement of very briefly making a couple of the category bestseller lists on Amazon. Alas, I've dropped down again, but it was fun and exciting for a while, and very, very distracting. I think I know the next scene to write, and I don't have any appointments today to force me out of the house into the heat, so I hope to get back on track. I was enough ahead that one bad day won't make me miss any deadlines.

In the meantime, we've got all sorts of preview-y goodness going on. They released the teaser trailer for the next season of Doctor Who, and I can hardly wait:

And there's a teaser for the third season of Haven. I tried their embedding link, but it didn't seem to work, so try this link.

But I have to finish a first draft before either of these shows come back. Maybe that will make the time fly.

While I'm teasing things and talking about my books, there's now a teaser excerpt of Much Ado About Magic up on my web site. This is the first scene that opens the book. I hope it whets your appetite for the book itself, coming in just under two weeks.

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