Friday, August 17, 2012

Ah, a Day at Home

Ah, a morning to sleep in and not have to go anywhere. It was sheer bliss. And it was a good thing because I stayed up way too late reading last night. At "late," I put my bookmark in the book, but then I found myself flipping through the pages to skim and see what was going to happen next, and next, and next, until I'd skimmed to the end of the book and it was "way too late." I think I still need to read the rest because there were some details I missed and I was focusing on one particular story line. And then I found that this book was the middle book in a trilogy (I'd thought it was the first), and some of the secrets that I thought there would be big revelations about were actually plots from the previous book. This may be the first time that I've finished reading a book and wanted to immediately rush out and get the prequel, not the sequel. I don't much care what happens next, but I'm dying to know exactly how the things that came before happened.

I think I'll wait until I finish reading it before I do a full review, though. So you'll have to wait to find out what I'm talking about. It isn't my usual sort of thing, actually, but sometimes it's fun to dive into something different that still has some overlap with your usual interests.

I guess my "blog tour" of sorts has started. I did an interview with the BiblioJunkies that gets into my fictional boyfriends and favorite treats. I have a few guest blogs I need to come up with and write. In fact, one of them is actually good background material for the next scene I need to write, so maybe that will be my afternoon's task. I'm still open to doing blog interviews, etc. Just let me know.

I did finally get back into writing yesterday. It helped to go back a couple of chapters to fix some things I realized were wrong and then to figure out some scenes I need to add based on that. Now I need to crunch out the second half of the first draft because I really want it done before WorldCon. I don't want another momentum break, and the rest between drafts is good. I'm hoping for a productive day, since I don't have to go anywhere at all. And it is bliss.

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