Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Unexcused Absence

I didn't really plan to vanish for a couple of days. I just went to visit my parents and didn't get around to posting. There was a storm coming Monday morning that I wanted to beat, so I hurried to get out of town before posting anything, and then I totally forgot about it once I got there. I then had Internet access issues, so I could barely get online (my parents' neighbor, from whom I'm usually able to appropriate Wi-fi access, didn't seem to have his network up). But now I'm home. I hope I didn't alarm anyone.

I mostly helped my mom find some clothes to wear for their upcoming trip to Alaska, so I was playing personal shopping/wardrobe consultant. There was also a lot of eating, and because the weather was unusually cool for this time of year, we sat out on the porch a lot. There's a little bunny living in their back yard, and I guess he's used to my parents, so we could sit on the back porch and watch it hop around the yard. It was close enough I could see its little nose twitching constantly. Very cute.

And now I need to buckle down and get some work done. I have feedback from my agent on a couple of ideas I'm developing, and they're going to take a lot of thinking and effort. That will be my August. I hope to have proposals totally done when the publishing world returns to work after Labor Day.

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