Friday, January 11, 2013

Shanna's Day Out

I took the morning off for a day out. I spend money about like someone who lived through the Depression in the Dust Bowl region (which is to say only on absolute essentials, because you never know when hard times will hit), but I got some money for Christmas, and I was determined to actually buy gift-type stuff with it instead of just putting it into the general fund and paying bills, like I usually do. I ended up with something kind of like a spa day. The makeup I use is sold in a store near me, but you just buy stuff off the shelf there. They don't give you advice. I needed new eyeshadows, so I went across town (two towns, actually) to a mall where this company has a shop and had a full makeover done. I must say, it's a little unnerving having your makeup done by a lady with Tourette's or some other kind of palsy. She didn't curse at me randomly, but she did have this occasional full-body twitch. She did a good job and never jabbed a brush into my eye (though she was perhaps a bit heavy-handed with the mascara). I spent quite a lot of money and also scored some free samples.

Then as I was walking through the mall, I noticed a giant poster in the Aveda window for their curly hair products and stopped in to see what that was about. The woman in the store got all excited and insisted on demonstrating on a section of my hair. I still wasn't sure, and their stuff is too expensive to buy a huge container unless it works miracles, so she loaded me up with samples, and when I liked the tea they have in the store, she gave me samples of that, too (I couldn't bring myself to spend $17 for 20 tea bags -- I bet I can find something similar but more reasonably priced at Sprouts). I got more tea when I passed a tea shop that was having a tasting, but I wasn't wildly crazy about most of it. As I explained to the very enthusiastic tea fan/goth boy in the store, I like tea-flavored tea without all the fancy flavorings, and I like it to be tea, not other stuff. He shuddered at the idea of drinking plain black tea with milk.

A makeover, getting part of my hair played with and having tea kind of works as a spa day. Maybe tonight while I watch TV I'll put on hand cream under cotton gloves for a hand treatment and get the whole deal.

I also wandered through the H&M store, but it's not nearly as cool now that they have them in malls all over the place. It was a far bigger deal when I had to go to New York to shop there. I didn't really like anything in there. Maybe I'm just too old for it now. Clothes or shoe shopping to spend more of the Christmas money will have to wait for another day. I had my fill of mall and had to get out of there. I guess I'm just no longer at a point in my life where wandering around a mall is my idea of fun. It was a rare treat when I was in high school, and it was my escape in college (on Saturdays, I'd take the bus to the mall and just spend the day wandering, mostly to avoid my roommate). Now I have to be in a particular mood. Otherwise, I just want to get in, get what I need and get out of any store.

But I look lovely for my afternoon with the computer. We'll see if it affects my revising ability.

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