I had a truly remarkable birthday, including being serenaded twice. I showed up for my panel, and the brother of one of my readers then sang Happy Birthday to me, getting the people who were in the room to join in. Larry Niven showed up around that time, so he then turned to me and sang the SCA birthday dirge.
So, yeah, I was serenaded by Larry Niven for my birthday. How awesome is that?
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I had a lot of fun with the two panels I moderated, even though the first one could have been answered with the word "yes." But I still managed to come up with enough topics for discussion to fill the full slot. Then it was standing room only for the second panel (though it was in a tiny room).
I went to dinner with my agent and some of her other clients, then came back to my room and collapsed. That meant I was up bright and early for the Stroll With the Stars event, a one-mile walk through downtown Denver with various luminaries of the field. Artist John Picacio was one of them, and we've become buddies from being at various cons together. And one of the others was Paul Cornell, who writes for Doctor Who. It turns out that John is friends with Paul, so I got introduced and managed to not be a total gibbering fangirl. In fact, we had quite a nice conversation about writing as we walked, then there was some teasing John about being behind on his TV viewing, and then John and I were teasing Paul about being Mayor of the walk by working his way through the group and introducing himself to absolutely everyone, making sure no one was left out.
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Now I have to hurry and make myself look presentable, and I hear the housekeeper nearby in the hallway. It never fails that they knock on the door when I'm half dressed, and this hotel doesn't seem to have a Do Not Disturb sign to go on the door to prevent the knock.
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