Friday, September 21, 2007

Copy Edits and Jury Duty: Fun! (not)

So, those copy edits I was waiting on all week that were supposed to be here Monday or Tuesday? I got them today. That's today before I spend three days at a convention, then have jury duty on Monday, then will be in Philadelphia Friday through Sunday. And guess when they're due back in New York? October 2. But that deadline may be extended, since I pretty much told them it wouldn't happen (and since that was the same deadline I was supposed to have when I was getting the copy edits four days ago -- so it's okay for them to be late and I suffer for it? Um, no.). And this is for a book I turned in a year ago. I've reached the point where their delays are not going to become my problem when I've been on time or early for everything that's been in my court. Now watch me meet that October 2 deadline even after all my bitching and moaning because I can't seem to help myself. But at least this time I complained instead of just doing it, and I did point out that it was four days late, and I'd cleared my schedule during this week so I could deal with it before I got busy, so them being late ruined my scheduling.

I wonder if having copy edits due will count for one of those "would being put on a jury be a hardship for you or do you have something going on that would distract you from the trial" questions they sometimes ask. I really, really loathe jury duty. I got put on a jury in my very first time, and it scarred me for life. Not the trial. The other jurors. You really don't want to spend two days locked in a room with a bunch of stupid people who have no concept of logic, and if the people they bring together in the jury pool are truly representative of society, then I really may have to become a recluse. I mean, more of one than I already am. Though, on the up side, I have met some really cool people on jury duty. They're just in a distinct minority. I'm also usually a lot more creeped out by the lawyers than I am by the defendants. Most of those defense attorneys practically have slime oozing out of their pores. Those late-night "I can get you out of any bad situation" TV ads must catch them on a good day because those guys are a lot creepier and slimier in person, especially in the drunk driving cases.

I finished watching the NBC fall previews with the pilot for Journeyman. It was a little slow getting started, but it got better. I like patterns, and it does come together in a pattern. My main complaint is that it's rather humorless. Not that I expect it to be a comedy, but it is a rather wacky situation, the kind you have to laugh at or else you'll go nuts. I will watch more episodes and decide if it makes it onto my list. It's one of those shows where I can tell it's good (quality writing, acting, etc.), but I didn't really enjoy watching it, if that makes any sense. Though I was awfully foggy from ragweed, so I wasn't that into anything when I was watching it.

Putting those pilots up on OnDemand was a pretty smart strategy because it felt like less of a commitment to watch them when I felt like it, so I was willing to try something I wasn't otherwise planning to watch in its usual slot.

I also watched Back to You Wednesday night, mostly because I used to work in TV news and I was bored. That show could make a fun workplace ensemble comedy if we could get rid of or scale back on the two leads and their personal stories. Unfortunately, the show is built around them, and they're the two most annoying, boring characters. I loved the bitter reporter who's always sent off to do pointless live shots in the cold and rain. I remember the meetings back in my TV news days when they'd try to decide on a live shot, since we had to have one in every newscast, and quite often there was absolutely nothing going on that was worth going live. So, just as in this show, we'd have a live shot from the place where things had happened hours ago and where nothing was happening at that time. It would be a better show if the central conflict was between the anchorman and the bitter reporter instead of the lame semi-romantic thing they're doing between the two anchors. I probably won't be watching more of this one unless there's nothing else on. It may be something I catch occasionally when it goes into syndication, if it lasts that long. It's on Fox, so it will either last until it's gasping for life and repeating itself, or it will be killed after four episodes.

And now I'm off to FenCon. I may not be posting Monday until late. Keep your fingers crossed for me on Monday that I don't get put on a jury. I just want to spend an hour or two sitting in the central jury room, working on copy edits, and then get sent home. Even half a day would be okay. More than half an hour (so I don't feel like I wasted my time getting there) but less than a full day so I don't have to drive home in rush hour. If I can just stay in the central jury room, then I'll probably get more work done than I would at home. If I have to go to a courtroom, then I can't work and I have to be in the same space as the lawyers. Shudder.

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