Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

I sent my draft of book 4 off to my agent this morning, and since it's my birthday and therefore a holiday on my calendar, I'm taking the rest of the day off.

I'd thought about going to a movie, but I can't find anything I really want to see that's currently playing at a theater near me. I'm in the mood for a really good romantic comedy, but there aren't any. Somewhere along the way, romantic comedies turned into "guy" movies, complete with bodily function humor, and the women are essentially the villains for expecting the men to actually grow up instead of remaining in their arrested development Peter Pan worlds. I may have to resort to Blockbuster because there isn't even anything I really want to see OnDemand. I'm not sure I'd find anything at Blockbuster that I haven't already seen to the point I've memorized it. There are only so many times I can watch When Harry Met Sally, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sliding Doors and the like.

Is it too much to ask for a fun, romantic movie starring a hot guy I might actually want to be with (one who acts older than twelve) and a woman I wouldn't mind him being with (who doesn't reinforce the sense I often get that the bitches get all the good guys -- though I guess the guys can't be all that great if they're attracted to bitches), with some nice witty banter and maybe some pretty scenery? A movie where I want the hero and heroine to get together at the end? Any suggestions for films like this I might be able to find at Blockbuster? (I don't have Netflix because I don't rent that many movies, and I want it TODAY because I have to get back to work tomorrow.)

While I'm out scouring the shelves at Blockbuster, I'll pick up a slice of some sinfully gooey dessert for my birthday cake. I also need a tiara for a tea I'm going to this weekend (and just because a girl really should have her own tiara).

Hmm, maybe I'll skip the movie if I can't find one and instead put on some good music and spend the day lying on the sofa and reading. I can always find good books.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! :)

Erin said...

Have you seen "Just Like Heaven" with Reese Witherspoon? That was a fun one.

Happy Birthday!

Shanna Swendson said...

I saw Just Like Heaven at the theater. Eventually I'll buy a copy because it's a good rainy day movie.