Monday, August 02, 2010

Cruel August

Summer has hit with a vengeance, and after a relatively cool July, I'm afraid that a typical Texas August is going to be particularly miserable. This is when my early-bird schedule comes in handy because I'm up for the cool part of the day. Today I've already done my physical therapy and run some errands, and it was already too hot to be comfortable outside by the time I got home. I keep telling myself that it's less than a month until September, and although September isn't exactly cool, it's usually the end of the truly searing heat.

August is fairly cruel just because there are so many reminders that fall is on the way. The stores are full of sweaters and fall clothes, and there are all those back-to-school sales. Ballet starts the fall semester next week, then in a couple of weeks choir starts for the fall. That gets me started thinking about all the things I love about fall, even while I'm sweltering, and that makes it even more miserable.

I think I'll spend the afternoon watching Doctor Zhivago on Turner Classic Movies and enjoy the scenes of the house covered with ice. That'll make good background noise for digging through research books.

I'm starting the week-long celebration of my birthday. I have plans with friends for the day itself, then plans with my family for the next day, and I think I'll treat myself to some other things during the week. This is the life, the universe and everything birthday, so I may as well make the most of it. My gift from my parents is spending money, so I get the fun of going out and spending it. I haven't been self-indulgent in a long time.

Though it is possible that I will wait to spend it until after the heat wave passes.

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